Publication Date

January 2016


This paper explores the asymptotic complexity of two problems related to the Miller-Rabin-Selfridge primality test. The first problem is to tabulate strong pseudoprimes to a single fixed base $a$. It is now proven that tabulating up to $x$ requires $O(x)$ arithmetic operations and $O(x\log{x})$ bits of space.The second problem is to find all strong liars and witnesses, given a fixed odd composite $n$.This appears to be unstudied, and a randomized algorithm is presented that requires an expected $O((\log{n})^2 + |S(n)|)$ operations (here $S(n)$ is the set of strong liars).Although interesting in their own right, a notable application is the search for sets of composites with no reliable witness.


Number Theory | Theory and Algorithms
