Publication Date
Muirhead discusses Myers' interactions with students and his appreciation of her fascination with historical collections. In one story, she mentions name tags a student made for a class visit to Myers' home; she donated one to the archives' collections and a copy of it is linked below. Muirhead also covers her role in campus administration and how Provost and Dean Ellen Hurwitz influenced her; she then shares her views on Myers' management of the University and different aspects of his leadership style including perspectives on the dual needs of faculty scholarship and teaching. She offers insights into Myers' attitudes on diversity and religion. Near the end of the interview, Muirhead reflects on the changes in library personnel and the nature of libraries.
Streaming Media
leadership, management, personal characteristics, music scores, harpsichord, books, coins, Jazz Age Harlem, changes in campus library generally, library collections, U-Haul collection, auction, Portrait of a Collector, Faculty Administrators, Alumni
United States History
Recommended Citation
Muirhead '68, Pamela Buchanan and Miner, Meg, "Pamela Buchanan Muirhead" (2016). All oral histories. 114.
Copy of the 2.75 x 4" nametag mentioned in this interview and Garrett Davey's
A transcript is available for download above and to the right.An essay summarizing themes that emerged from interviews conducted about Myers in 2016 is available: Portrait of a Collector: Reflections on an Influential Bibliophile.
This interview subject is affiliated with IWU and/or President Myers in the following ways: Class of 1968 and Professor of English; Acting Dean of the Faculty 1992-1993.