The Cloud Neighborhood

Graduation Year


Publication Date



At the request of the author, this essay is not available for download. Bona fide researchers may consult it by visiting the University Archives in Tate Archives & Special Collections; contact for details.


While writing these poems, I thought critically about my existence and the existence of others in ways that were both difficult and enlightening for me. I was definitely altered, but to have such an effect on anyone else is a large undertaking. It feels a bit like a one-sided relationship that the world I have interacted with for this project (that is, the specific poets and locations I studied) will likely never interact with me. My hope with this collection, however, is that I can draw the attention of my readers to some of the issues that concerned me and inspired my writing. I want them to question their own place in the world-- how they got here, how stuck they are in it, how they do and should feel about it--and furthermore their ability, willingness, or necessity to empathize. I want to alter their thoughts for as long as I have their eyes on my work. If I am right about this collection's theory on the unbreakable connection between the world and the individual, then that will be enough to start changing our small place in the world.


English Language and Literature

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