
Res Publica - Journal of Undergraduate Research


After decades of polluting the earth with fossil fuels, our reckless behaviors have finally caught up with us. Among few others, Germany leads the world in unique renewable energy transitions and sustainability solutions to best suit their country and protect the environment. Through scholarly articles, past & current news sources, and various national & world databases, this paper discusses the question: how much of Germany’s energy policy success rests on the back of civil society? In addition to following a strict set of national and international environmental policies and targets, Germany’s strategy towards renewables and sustainability comes from their German Energiewende, a growingly popular concept that translates as “energy transition.” This transition, along with “conservation & generation” and “production & innovation,” will be evaluated and compared to Italy’s, the Czech Republic’s, and the average EU’s values and responses. These will help argue that the greater compliance German civil society has demonstrated, the greater the chance the German Energiewende has of progressing on time.
