Campus scenes in June 1970

Streaming Media

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Publication Date

Summer 1970


Compilation of IWU campus scenes in June 1970 by David Morgan, who digitized his 8mm film and added music. At the request of the archivist, Morgan provided this description:

"The one song fragment recorded at Phoenix was written by Rob Wessel. The other music was created in my studio.

"The names of some of the people appearing are:

  • Frisbee: Bill Clapham; Jo Baird; Ron Morrow; David Wilhelms; girl?

  • Front steps of SK house: Karen Zander & Betsy Bauer

  • Rooftop players: Bill Clapham & Ron Morrow."

David also answered a question about the image on the Phoenix door: it was an image of a Phoenix bird hand painted by an art major around 1966-67. If you have additional information to contribute, contact


Details from Mark Sheldon '70 added following Homecoming 2022:

"The big house is Adams Hall where we were all living as seniors and where David visited us that Spring, 1970. Shots of Bill Clapham playing frisbee on the lawn with other friends . . . and music on the porch at Kemp Hall. You will see Magill Hall again and all the other campus scenes of that time, that era. The Phoenix Coffee House (no longer there), where David and his bands performed, did poetry readings, perhaps one of the earliest places where David performed. And, the glimpse of Karen Zander '70 (along with Betsy Bauer) in front of the Sigma Kappa House, Karen flipping her dress ... And, you will see all the scenes from our graduation day in early June, 1970 -- those times filled with protest and tension, just a few weeks after Kent State and Jackson State shootings. You will see all of David's good friends -- yes, me there with dark hair and narrow beard, with big black glasses, Roy Hankins looking all handsome (Roy was then Student Senate President) -- we are all putting the protest peace symbols on the back of our robes for graduation. Grady Skaggs ... leaning against the car with his normal impish, devious smile. You will see everyone process -- Colby Martin, Dale Miller, David Petreman, Bill Clapham, Roy Hankins giving the peace sign . . . and then all of us getting our diplomas . . . at the end I saunter across the stage, no diploma in hand as I was a late August graduate, having failed a required Poly Sci course, due to too much political activism that Spring. My bad. I think President Eckley never wanted to see any of us again.

"I just love the music and the tone and feeling of this video. It really catches the moment, the people, the days of our lives . . . I'm so glad David preserved these images and put such great music to it all."


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