International Carnival

University Communications, Illinois Wesleyan University

Transferred from a DVD in 2022. Some areas of sound loss present in the original recording. An audio recording of this event is on a CD, in the University Archives, and dated 2007. It was not yet been compared to this version to see if some sound can be recovered. Contact if needed.


Hosted by the I-Society; this event was a fundraiser for the Ecuadorian Education Program. One of the MCs is Vijeta Pamudurthy ('09) and some of the performers are Hoang Nguyen ('09), Kunaey Garg ('09) and Sneha Rajbhandari ('09).

At 49:08, Sneha calls on senior I-Society students to stand and mentions Stefan (Filip), Nitish (Rajbhandary), Nonso (Njoku), and Phuong (Dinh), all of whom graduated in 2007. And although it's hard to see, the green banners visible above the stage at the opening of the video look like they are for the classes -- 2006-07, 2007-08, etc.