Validation of a Measure of Affective, Inferential and Holistic Intuition, Lauren A. Carlson
The “Evolution” of Media: The Influence of a Media Literacy Campaign, Vanessa Dremonas
The Effects of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Behavioral and Neuroelectric Indices of Cognition in Young Adults, Elizabeth K. Mraz
Behavioral Responses to Predictable and Unpredictable Competitors and c-Fos Expression in the Amygdala and Nucleus Accumbens, Jennifer L. Schnupp
Promoting Environmentally Responsible Behaviors Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques, Sarah L. Tribble
Legislative Voting: Influences on Environmental Voting in the House of Representatives, Krystyna Zwolinski
Refugees from the 1st through 4th Centuries: Racial, Economic, Cultural, and Practical Issues along the Borders, Dominick DeBartolo
Motor and Cognitive Tasks Effects on Frontal Theta, Claire Elizabeth Goble
“Prison as a home”: Christian Perception of Imprisonment in the Age of Martyrs, Mary Olson
Augustus and the Equites: Developing Rome's Middle Class, Julie Pflaumer
Determinants of Crack Cocaine Trial and Addiction, Elizabeth Taylor
Organochlorine Pesticide Contamination and its Potential Effects on Eggshell Characteristics of Dickcissels (Spiza americana), Bridget Wall
Acoustic Exploration for Prepared Piano, Jesse Schaar