Titan Talks: "Activism and Advocacy in the Latinx Community"
Streaming Media
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Presentado en español, este panel discutirá el activismo dentro de la comunidad Latinx. Nuestros panelistas desafían la lucha contra la negrura dentro y fuera de sus comunidades y discutirán formas en que las personas de color puedan unirse contra el racismo.
Presented in Spanish, this panel will discuss activism within the Latinx community. Our panelists will challenge anti-Blackness inside and beyond their communities and will discuss ways in which Black and brown folks can stand together against racism.
Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Ramirez 2014, Melissa; Gonzalez 2018, Citlalli; Gunn 2004, Tristan; and Calderon 2020, Yesenia Martinez, "Titan Talks: "Activism and Advocacy in the Latinx Community"" (2020). Alumni Event recordings. 21.
English Transcript
Ponentes (Presenters): Melissa Ramirez ’14, Citlalli Gonzalez ’18, Tristan Gunn ’04 Moderadora (Moderator): Yesenia Martinez Calderon ’20
This special edition of Titan Talks: Webinar Series was presented by the Office of Alumni Engagement in collaboration with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
An English transcript of the webinar was provided to all registrants after the event and is linked below.