The Bertholf Years

Publication Date



Transferred from cassette Spring 2018.


A 25th anniversary commemoration of the school and president during the Bertholf years that sounds like it accompanied a visual presentation. Notable events are the planting of the Tree of Knowledge, school dances, establishing the School of Nursing and dedication of Stevenson Hall, demolishing Duration Hall and recovery of the time capsule in it, and the building of Holmes Hall.

The tradition of Freshman beanies are described and the narrator notes that the president distinguished his from the others by having a green bill. Also noted is the student tradition of singing carrols outside the President's house and that he involved students in the All-University Council. Bertholf is also credited with the formation of the Century Club, a fundraising group. Another tradition created during his time is the Titan as mascot.

Bertholf's emphasis on the purpose of the University as a high-quality Liberal Arts school with professional programs is noted as are changes in campus buildings. The narration closes with a quote from a Pantagraph article that, at the end of his tenure, described Bertholf as "the right man in the right place at the rght time."


Higher Education

Streaming Media
