A New Species of the Pristimantis orestes Group (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Cordillera Occidental in northern Peru

Publication Date

January 2007


We describe a new species of the Pristimantis orestes Group from cloud forest at 1700- 1800 m in the Cordillera Occidental in northern Peru (Departamento de Cajamarca). The type series comprises one adult female and three males. The new species has a maximum snout vent-length of29.4 mm, a long snout, dentigerous processes ofvorners present, di scs on outer fingers broadly expanded, males that have vocal slits prescnt and nuptial pads absent, and a distinct color pattern consisting of ran blotches and spots on a brown venter, anterior and posterior surfaces afthe thighs, concealed surfaces of the shanks, and axilla and groin, dark brown with tan blotches and spots. The Pristimantis orestes Group contains 12 species, of which nine occur in the Cordillera Occidental in northern Peru. Nuptial pads as diagnostic characters in Pristimantis are briefly discussed.


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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