Theatre of Good Intentions: Challenges and Hopes for Theatre and Social Change

Theatre of Good Intentions: Challenges and Hopes for Theatre and Social Change


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Much has been written about theatre's capacity to create social change. Theatre of Good Intentions: Challenges and Hopes for Theatre and Social Change, however, looks at some of the reasons why achieving such goals is hard; examining what theatre can and can't do. It critiques the limitations of theatre in the creation of social change, in order to engage in a productive discussion of theatre's strengths - and weaknesses - and theatre artists' opportunities to make change in an unjust world. This book focuses on theatre's impact on both participants and spectators, examining a wide range of contemporary applied and political theatre case studies, engaging with some of the most common forms of theatre used towards the goals of social change, including Theatre of the Oppressed, professional political theatre in performance, community-based theatre, prison theatre, and classroom drama. Theatre of Good Intentions constructs an argument advocating for artists and students to think strategically about the limitations and opportunities of theatre as a medium of social change.

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Publication Date

Summer 8-2-2013


Palgrave Macmillan


New York


Theatre, performance art, social change, community theatre.


Other Theatre and Performance Studies

Theatre of Good Intentions: Challenges and Hopes for Theatre and Social Change
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