Memorial Center Dedication and campus scenes, ca 1946 (video only)

Publication Date



This is a silent film that is in color. It was transferred from 16mm film in August 2020. Another film had been spliced onto this content and was edited into a separate digital file since it was clearly not part of this film's era. That film is titled Admissions, ca.1934 and is also available in Vimeo. See The University Archives retained both the original 16mm film and the unedited digital file.


The film begins with Coach Fred Muhl exiting Old North, IWU's first classroom building. This is followed by several unidentified people exiting the same building and others on campus. At the 15 second point, English Professor Elizabeth Oggel (R) exits the building with an unidentified person.

The film includes brief scenes of the barracks that were built to house WWII service members during training and were later used for family housing. At approx 02:50 there is footage of the Memorial Center Dedication ceremony on October 27, 1946. Ned Dolan, president of the Board of Trustees, laid the first mortar for the cornerstone. In that same scene Dr. J. K. P. Hawks, chairman of the Building Committee is shown to Dolan's right and Illinois Wesleyan President W. E. Shaw is behind him. Former president McPherson also speaks. Scenes of the progress on the building's construction and the marching band are followed by unidentified individuals at a reception/dinner. If you have more information about this film contact

A November 1946 IWU Bulletin recaps the dedication ceremony. See


Higher Education

Streaming Media
