The Delta
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2007)
Prefatory Notes
Note to the Reader
Delta Editorial Board
Fabricating a Fabliau: Façade and Finance in the Shipman's Tale
Rebecca Welzenbach '07
A Feminist Discourse on Carole Maso's AVA
Courtney Holden '07
From Midrashim to Merlin: the "Translation" of Jewish Commentaries in Heldris de Cornuälle's Le Roman de Silence
Renee Scherer '08
Self Construction and Self Destruction: The Creative Gesture in Malone Dies
Valerie Higgins '08
An Exploding Bomb: Self-Definition and the Housewife's Disease in Lessing's The Golden Notebook
Anne Wilkinson '07
Take His Word for It: Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress"
L. Alene Theisen '07
The Fight to Stay Alive: AVA and the Creative Process
Amanda ReCupido '07
Twisting Texts and Tales: The Wyf of Bath's Proto-Feminist Beliefs Shown through Her Prologue and Tale
Megan Ames '08
Resolution, or Lack Thereof in Twelfth Night
Rachel Shulman '07