Blood and Magic: A Novel of Artiagom

Graduation Year


Publication Date



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To what extent is the world around us an extension of our mind? Conversely, how much a part of the world is our mind? These are complex questions to begin a critical preface with, especially a preface that is focused not on the issues of Theory of Mind, consciousness, or questions of body and mind, but rather fiction, genre and the ramifications of point of view. These are precisely the questions, however, that need to be considered at the very onset of an inquiry of this type. The connection between mind and world is at the heart of any question relating to narrative. Given to the author in creating a work is the monumental task of creating a world and all of the characters in it. Authors must constantly balance the realities of their world with the demands of their characters, and a chief way a writer communicates with the reader is through the point of view, which is the only conduit into the authorial world. The choice of point of view, therefore, is a supremely important one, and one in which there can be both convention and subversion, depending on numerous factors, including whether a story is considered genre or literary.


English Language and Literature

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