a gift

Graduation Year


Publication Date

Spring 2021


At the request of the author, this paper is not available for download. Bona fide researchers may consult it by visiting the University Archives in Tate Archives & Special Collections; contact archives@iwu.edu for details.


[From the author's introduction]

I do not think that this collection [of poetry] is revelatory, but as so many mystics, believers, and people of faith have come before me and written down their conversations with God, this collection is my contribution to the body of work that worships, questions, and liberates relationship with God. I did not find my voice and freedom in faith until I had read the struggle and acceptance of the poets before me, and that is the blessing of people collecting their spiritual hope and writing it down; maybe the next person on the path will find what I have found and enjoy their place even more than I have.

May this collection refute scarcity, praise God.


English Language and Literature

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