Media (Mis)Portrayals of the Human Condition


State Farm Hall 108

Start Date

28-2-2015 1:50 PM

End Date

28-2-2015 2:45 PM


Media is instrumental in shaping the perception and reality of people. It influences what humans think about, how they interact and behave; in short, it permeates every facet of existence. So it is no surprise that media is a factor to consider when discussing human right violations. Can media be used as tool to spur activism, or does it only propagate apathy and a creation of a system of "othering"? While there is evidence supporting both viewpoints on media's role in human rights issues, I argue that it seems that the relationship that determines one's disposition regarding situations that concern human rights is the type of media the person in question is consuming, and how the content is presented. This claim is substantiated by exploring the history and global context of media, and by examining three distinct forms of media; the epistolary novel, television advertisements, and the Internet.

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Feb 28th, 1:50 PM Feb 28th, 2:45 PM

Media (Mis)Portrayals of the Human Condition

State Farm Hall 108

Media is instrumental in shaping the perception and reality of people. It influences what humans think about, how they interact and behave; in short, it permeates every facet of existence. So it is no surprise that media is a factor to consider when discussing human right violations. Can media be used as tool to spur activism, or does it only propagate apathy and a creation of a system of "othering"? While there is evidence supporting both viewpoints on media's role in human rights issues, I argue that it seems that the relationship that determines one's disposition regarding situations that concern human rights is the type of media the person in question is consuming, and how the content is presented. This claim is substantiated by exploring the history and global context of media, and by examining three distinct forms of media; the epistolary novel, television advertisements, and the Internet.