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VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 2 | Summer 2022
ON OUR COVER: Dr. Nurman Noor ’08 showcased his culinary skills as an eventual runner-up in The Great Australian Bake Off. Photo courtesy of Foxtel Publicity.
14 Baked with Love Dr. Nurman Noor ’08 may be a general practitioner by trade, but a passion for baking earned him a spot in the TV series The Great Australian Bake Off, where he won scores of fans with his likable personality, raw vulnerability and mouth-watering creations.
18 Breaking Through Angela (Tomazin) Hesemann ’09 found herself laid off at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, but co-founded a successful business to meet a new demand also created by the pandemic.
22 Community Centered Despite working in different arenas — medicine, higher education, and the intersection of performance and activism — Illinois Wesleyan’s 2022 Alumni Award winners share the common bond of serving their communities.
Streaming Media
Publication Date
Summer 2022
Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Office of Communications, Illinois Wesleyan University, "Volume 31, Number 2, Summer 2022" (2022). Illinois Wesleyan University Magazine, 2018-present. 14.