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VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 1 | Spring 2023
Tim Pritts ’91, as a senior trauma surgeon and the chief of general surgery at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, helped save the life of Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin.
14 Saving Damar After Damar Hamlin, the Buffalo Bills’ 24-year-old safety, suffered sudden cardiac arrest in the middle of a livebroadcast NFL football game, IWU alum Tim Pritts ’91 was in the operating room where Hamlin's life was saved.
18 A Life of Change President Georgia Nugent is traveling the country to meet alums in 2023. She gave the IWU Magazine an opportunity to learn how her life story made her into the leader in higher education that she is today.
22 Caring for Our Ancestors Shana (Bushyhead) Condill ’99, as the director of the Museum of the Cherokee Indian, is giving new voice to a cultural conversation she first entered as a student at Illinois Wesleyan.
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Publication Date
Spring 2023
Illinois Wesleyan University
Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Office of Communications, Illinois Wesleyan University, "Volume 32, Number 1, Spring 2023" (2023). Illinois Wesleyan University Magazine, 2018-present. 16.