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I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E V O L U M E 2 8 | N U M B E R 1 | S P R I N G 2 0 1 9
ON OUR COVER: Veteran journalist Chris Fusco ’94 oversees the Chicago Sun-Times newsroom as its editor-in-chief. Portrait photo by Jason Reblando. Digital illustration by Gary Schwartz.
14 The Future of the Front Page Chris Fusco ’94 leads the Chicago Sun-Times as it delivers news and content in an ever-changing media landscape.
18 Bringing Back The Barn Driven by a bold, entrepreneurial vision, Abby Reel ’04 has resurrected a local dinner theatre and reunited a community with deep Illinois Wesleyan roots.
22 Signature Solutions Environmental Studies students got a firsthand look at environmental issues in Vietnam before crafting proposals to promote sustainability.
Streaming Media
Publication Date
Spring 2019
Illinois Wesleyan University
Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Office of Communications, Illinois Wesleyan University, "Volume 28, Issue 1, Spring 2019" (2019). Illinois Wesleyan University Magazine, 2018-present. 4.