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I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E V O L U M E 2 8 | N U M B E R 1 | S P R I N G 2 0 1 9

ON OUR COVER: Veteran journalist Chris Fusco ’94 oversees the Chicago Sun-Times newsroom as its editor-in-chief. Portrait photo by Jason Reblando. Digital illustration by Gary Schwartz.
14 The Future of the Front Page Chris Fusco ’94 leads the Chicago Sun-Times as it delivers news and content in an ever-changing media landscape.
18 Bringing Back The Barn Driven by a bold, entrepreneurial vision, Abby Reel ’04 has resurrected a local dinner theatre and reunited a community with deep Illinois Wesleyan roots.
Signature Solutions Environmental Studies students got a firsthand look at environmental issues in Vietnam before crafting proposals to promote sustainability.

Streaming Media

Publication Date

Spring 2019


Illinois Wesleyan University


Higher Education

Volume 28, Issue 1, Spring 2019
