Submission Type
Expected Graduation Date
Center for Natural Science, Illinois Wesleyan University
Start Date
4-10-2010 2:35 PM
End Date
4-10-2010 3:35 PM
Rotifers are free-swimming aquatic animals that feed by collecting particles through the use of cilia that are arranged around the mouth in two circular whorls. Specimens of Brachionus plicatilis exposed to 6µm and 0.5µm polystyrene beads (together or separately) captured the particles at significantly different rates. Calculation of the Jacob's Selectivity Index (D) revealed a significant selectivity for the larger (6µm) beads, over the smaller (0.5µm) beads (pB. plicatilis revealed that bacteria are not likely a significant energy source. Bacterial concentration ≥ 108 cells/ml (100 x typical values) are necessary for feeding on bacterial to support at least 33% of the metabolic demand.
Using Polystyrene Beads to Estimate Feeding Selectivity and Potential Energetic Consequences in the Rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis
Center for Natural Science, Illinois Wesleyan University
Rotifers are free-swimming aquatic animals that feed by collecting particles through the use of cilia that are arranged around the mouth in two circular whorls. Specimens of Brachionus plicatilis exposed to 6µm and 0.5µm polystyrene beads (together or separately) captured the particles at significantly different rates. Calculation of the Jacob's Selectivity Index (D) revealed a significant selectivity for the larger (6µm) beads, over the smaller (0.5µm) beads (pB. plicatilis revealed that bacteria are not likely a significant energy source. Bacterial concentration ≥ 108 cells/ml (100 x typical values) are necessary for feeding on bacterial to support at least 33% of the metabolic demand.