Submission Type
Expected Graduation Date
Ames Library, Illinois Wesleyan University
Start Date
4-9-2011 9:00 AM
End Date
4-9-2011 10:00 AM
This poster presentation reviews literature related to museums and their ability to cope with the shifting demographics of our nation. It aspires to facilitate discussion pertaining to topics significant to educators as well as the general public. Through the analysis and review of 12 current research articles on the topic of multiculturalism and museums, it has been determined that the changing racial makeup of our country is affecting the museum world greatly. Upon reflection of the pieces of literature read, it has been revealed that the altering demographics and the majority-minority shift in populace has led museums to focus on multicultural education, race and ethnic relations, and programs targeting minority populations. The research highlights the demographic move as a whole, how these transformations are affecting cultural institutions such as museums, and what solutions individual museums are incorporating in their practices to solve the quandary. A universal feeling expressed throughout the poster presentation is the museum world's need to see museums as living breathing advocates of cultural pleurisy. It is thought that they should be strongholds for communities where all people can come to be represented.
Multiculturalsim and Metamorphoses: How Changing Racial Demographics in the United States are Influencing Museums in the 21st Century
Ames Library, Illinois Wesleyan University
This poster presentation reviews literature related to museums and their ability to cope with the shifting demographics of our nation. It aspires to facilitate discussion pertaining to topics significant to educators as well as the general public. Through the analysis and review of 12 current research articles on the topic of multiculturalism and museums, it has been determined that the changing racial makeup of our country is affecting the museum world greatly. Upon reflection of the pieces of literature read, it has been revealed that the altering demographics and the majority-minority shift in populace has led museums to focus on multicultural education, race and ethnic relations, and programs targeting minority populations. The research highlights the demographic move as a whole, how these transformations are affecting cultural institutions such as museums, and what solutions individual museums are incorporating in their practices to solve the quandary. A universal feeling expressed throughout the poster presentation is the museum world's need to see museums as living breathing advocates of cultural pleurisy. It is thought that they should be strongholds for communities where all people can come to be represented.