The Effects of Good Limb Training on C57BL/6 Mice

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Center for Natural Sciences, Illinois Wesleyan University

Start Date

4-18-2015 2:00 PM

End Date

4-18-2015 3:00 PM




Engaging the bad limb after stroke can promote long-term functional improvement of the impaired limb, whereas engaging the good limb has detrimental effects on behavioral outcome. In the present study, mice were separated into three training groups following focal ischemic stroke: good limb training, bad limb training, and no training. The pasta matrix task was used for post-operative training and assessing limb function. We hypothesized that the mice receiving good limb training would show less functional improvement than the mice receiving either bad limb training or no training at all. Using an anterograde tract tracer (BDA), the effects of good limb training on the anatomical connections in the brain were investigated. We hypothesized that training the good limb would result in fewer crossing-fibers in the corpus callosum. The current study replicated previous behavioral findings, with good limb training impeding functional outcome of the bad limb. Anatomical analyses are currently underway.

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Apr 18th, 2:00 PM Apr 18th, 3:00 PM

The Effects of Good Limb Training on C57BL/6 Mice

Center for Natural Sciences, Illinois Wesleyan University

Engaging the bad limb after stroke can promote long-term functional improvement of the impaired limb, whereas engaging the good limb has detrimental effects on behavioral outcome. In the present study, mice were separated into three training groups following focal ischemic stroke: good limb training, bad limb training, and no training. The pasta matrix task was used for post-operative training and assessing limb function. We hypothesized that the mice receiving good limb training would show less functional improvement than the mice receiving either bad limb training or no training at all. Using an anterograde tract tracer (BDA), the effects of good limb training on the anatomical connections in the brain were investigated. We hypothesized that training the good limb would result in fewer crossing-fibers in the corpus callosum. The current study replicated previous behavioral findings, with good limb training impeding functional outcome of the bad limb. Anatomical analyses are currently underway.