The Impact of the Pandemic Induced Stress on College Students


Educational Studies

Submission Type

Oral Presentation

Area of Study or Work

Educational Studies

Expected Graduation Date



1st floor, State Farm Hall

Start Date

4-9-2022 9:05 AM

End Date

4-9-2022 9:50 AM


Stress is when external, environmental, or psychosocial pressures exceed an individual's adaptive ability. It results in biological and psychological alterations that have the potential to threaten one's health and well-being (Surachman & Almeida, 2018). This research synthesis focuses on the influence of the pandemic on mental health of college students, specific in stress and the way helping them to reduce stress. Since the pandemic has lasted for almost two years, governments and schools have published lots of announcements, including wearing a mask, and keeping social distance, which are also restrictions for college students. However, these restrictions also lead to a significant change in college students’ life-study experience, such as shifting to e-learning. Even before the pandemic, stress and other mental disorders, like anxiety and depression, are common to observe among college students. The purpose of this literature review is trying to emphasize the importance of providing support for the mental health needs of college students during the pandemic. Since college is an essential period of time for the students to be highly knowledgeable, which is also a period of time for them to transition from student to employee. In addition, this literature review highlights the stress from pandemic with significant effects on college students with studies and data from different perspectives, as well as the solutions and opportunities for college students to reduce stress, which are the information they really need to come through the pandemic.

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Apr 9th, 9:05 AM Apr 9th, 9:50 AM

The Impact of the Pandemic Induced Stress on College Students

1st floor, State Farm Hall

Stress is when external, environmental, or psychosocial pressures exceed an individual's adaptive ability. It results in biological and psychological alterations that have the potential to threaten one's health and well-being (Surachman & Almeida, 2018). This research synthesis focuses on the influence of the pandemic on mental health of college students, specific in stress and the way helping them to reduce stress. Since the pandemic has lasted for almost two years, governments and schools have published lots of announcements, including wearing a mask, and keeping social distance, which are also restrictions for college students. However, these restrictions also lead to a significant change in college students’ life-study experience, such as shifting to e-learning. Even before the pandemic, stress and other mental disorders, like anxiety and depression, are common to observe among college students. The purpose of this literature review is trying to emphasize the importance of providing support for the mental health needs of college students during the pandemic. Since college is an essential period of time for the students to be highly knowledgeable, which is also a period of time for them to transition from student to employee. In addition, this literature review highlights the stress from pandemic with significant effects on college students with studies and data from different perspectives, as well as the solutions and opportunities for college students to reduce stress, which are the information they really need to come through the pandemic.