Mutually Assured Misconstruction

Presenter and Advisor Information

Emma Forman, Illinois Wesleyan University


English – Writing

Second Major


Submission Type

Oral Presentation

Area of Study or Work


Faculty Advisor

Michael Theune


CNS E104

Start Date

4-13-2024 11:15 AM

End Date

4-13-2024 12:15 PM


“Mutually Assured Misconstruction” is a fictional, comedic look at various aspects of human life, finding the humor in such lighthearted themes as the death of a loved one and crushing rejection. Despite a lack of personal experience with these things, nor with most of the work’s other major topics (like running a medieval keep and resurrecting the dead), I assure you all details contained within are accurate and that all the advice would probably definitely work if you tried them in real life. Comedy is an area of writing I haven’t seen explored much in most academic settings. As such, I wanted to craft these poems and stories to challenge myself to mess around with wacky plots and wordplay, and to shape them into something refined and polished. And with any luck, fit a couple good jokes into them, as well.

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Apr 13th, 11:15 AM Apr 13th, 12:15 PM

Mutually Assured Misconstruction

CNS E104

“Mutually Assured Misconstruction” is a fictional, comedic look at various aspects of human life, finding the humor in such lighthearted themes as the death of a loved one and crushing rejection. Despite a lack of personal experience with these things, nor with most of the work’s other major topics (like running a medieval keep and resurrecting the dead), I assure you all details contained within are accurate and that all the advice would probably definitely work if you tried them in real life. Comedy is an area of writing I haven’t seen explored much in most academic settings. As such, I wanted to craft these poems and stories to challenge myself to mess around with wacky plots and wordplay, and to shape them into something refined and polished. And with any luck, fit a couple good jokes into them, as well.