llinois Wesleyan Students Help Children, Elderly in Jamaica
Publication Date
Spring 4-27-2010
[lead paragraph] BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – While many Illinois Wesleyan students spent their spring breaks soaking in the sun or catching up on assignments for classes, 22 students from the campus group Death, Resurrection, Life (DRL) traveled to Kingston, Jamaica, to volunteer at the Salvation Army School for the Blind. [paragraph three] Projects accomplished by the group included cleaning out rooms and helping paint a mural at the orphanage. While participants on the trip agree that it was fun to complete the projects, they say that the best part was building relationships with the children.
Recommended Citation
Evans '12, Kasey, "llinois Wesleyan Students Help Children, Elderly in Jamaica" (2010). News and Events (Discontinued Series). 1393.
The full text of this press release has been removed at the request of one of the named participants. Excerpts of the announcement are available as an abstract below. Contact archives@iwu.edu for further details.