Submissions from 2001
Class of 2005 Illinois Wesleyan Names Fourteen Presidential Scholars, Sherry Wallace
IWU Chaplain to Provide Service about Self-discovery, Anita Kesavan
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Carrie Newcomer to Return to IWU's Blue Moon Coffeehouse, Brandon Wagner
News Advisory, Brandon Wagner
Illinois Wesleyan University to Host Family Weekend 2001, Brandon Wagner
IWU to Honor Five for Community Service at President's Convocation; IWU Alum Sandra Steingraber to Speak, Stew Salowitz
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
IWU Adds Six to Faculty for 2001-02 Academic Year, Stew Salowitz
Two Art Shows on Display at Illinois Wesleyan: Four Walls, 80 photographs and Slippery Knots II, Wish Tying, Sherry Wallace
Beth Hasheider Named IWU Softball Coach, Stew Salowitz
Media Advisory, Brandon Wagner
Illinois Wesleyan University Fall Festival 2001, Brandon Wagner
Illinois Wesleyan University To Host "Real World Bloomington", Brandon Wagner
Health Professions in the 21st Century: Explore Your Options, Sherry Wallace
IWU Announces Spring 2001 Dean's List, Tina Williams
The 10th Annual Minority Academic Achievement Recognition Ceremony, Sherry Wallace
IWU Hosts Sports & Scholars Camp June 17-22, Stew Salowitz
Barb Cothren, Harry R. Lovell; Two to Retire at Illinois Wesleyan University, Sherry Wallace
Art Exhibit Painted Portraits: Past and Present On Exhibit at Illinois Wesleyan, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Economics Journal Published by IWU Undergrads, Clint Sabin
Illinois Wesleyan University Student to Receive Theological Stipend, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Business and Economics Distinguished Seniors Named at Illinois Wesleyan Chad Rock, Michelle Balch
Business and Economics Distinguished Seniors Names at Illinois Wesleyan Karisa Top, Michelle Balch
IWU Music Fraternity to sing at Chicago's Wrigley Field, Clint Sabin
IWU Commencement - Media Advisory, Stew Salowitz
IWU Junior Earns Brown Fellowship, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Clint Sabin
IWU Senior Earns Outstanding Marketing Student Award, Kate Weber
IWU Student Receives Scholarship, Kate Weber
News Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen To Address IWU Commencement on May 6, Stew Salowitz
Illinois Wesleyan University Kicks Off New Recycling Program, Sherry Wallace
Tari Renner IWU Political Science Professor to Receive the 2002 DuPont Award for Teaching Excellence, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Professor of Environmental Science Eric Pallant to Address IWU's 12th Annual John Wesley Powell Student Research Conference, Sherry Wallace
12th Annual John Wesley Powell Student Research Conference, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Michelle Balch
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Illinois Wesleyan's Highest Teaching Honor Carole Myscofski to Receive the DuPont Teaching Excellence Award, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Joe Maffia
Media Advisory, Clint Sabin
IWU Names Scott Trost Head Basketball Coach, Stew Salowitz
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
IWU's Wellness Fair to be Held April 19th, Stew Salowitz
Distinguished Senior Recognition Program, Bob Aaron
First Honoree IWU Names First Starkey Award Recipient, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Clint Sabin
Tenth Annual Recognition Celebration IWU Honors Faculty and Staff, Sherry Wallace
Bonnie St. John Deane to Address Illinois Wesleyan Associates Luncheon, Sherry Wallace and Clint Sabin
IWU Civic Orchestra to Perform with Russia's Volgograd Chamber Orchestra, Joseph Maffia
East Meets West: Volgograd Chamber Orchestra to perform with IWU Civic Orchestra, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
David Barrett Named Illinois Wesleyan Soccer Coach, Stew Salowitz
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Michelle Balch
Kick-Off Luncheon for the Sixth Annual IWU Volunteer Weekend, Clint Sabin
* * Media Alert * * Photo Opportunity, Clint Sabin
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
IWU Collegiate Choir to Tour, Clint Sabin
IWU Collegiate Choir to Tour, Clint Sabin
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Environmental Poet Gary Snyder to Visit IWU, Kate Weber
IWU's Student Newspaper Names 2001-2 Staff, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Media Advisory, Michelle Balch
IWU Student Newspaper Celebrates a Winning Year, Sherry Wallace
Musical IWU Presents Cabaret, Clint Sabin
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
Minnesotan Heads to Hawaii IWU Grad Works at Dolphin-Research Facility, Bob Aaron
IWU Senior Earns Marketing Award, Clint Sabin
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Clint Sabin
Who Teaches the Teachers?, Clint Sabin
Cowboy Poet Rudy Gonzales to perform at IWU, Kate Weber
Drunken Driving Program Set for IWU on March 7, Bob Aaron
Harlem Renaissance Theme of Two March Programs, Bob Aaron
Media Advisory, Clint Sabin
Board of Trustees Acts IWU Faculty Granted Advancement in Rank, Tenure, Sabbaticals, Stew Salowitz
Media Advisory, Kate Weber
ADAAWE's Six Women Musicians to Energize IWU, Kate Weber
ADAAWE's Six Women Musicians to Energize IWU, Kate Weber
Ames Library Boasts Key Energy-Conservation Feature, Bob Aaron
IWU Announces Winner in High School Composers Contest, Clint Sabin