Submissions from 1998
Judith Hanna to Perform at Faculty Recital on April 2, Teri Lahmon
IWU's Allison Koch Earns Marketing Award, Stew Salowitz
Expert Economist to Visit Illinois Wesleyan, Laura Warren
Illinois Wesleyan University Will Have Philippine Night on March 27, Melissa Hill
Illinois Wesleyan University Percussion Ensemble to present Final performance on March 27, Teri Lahmon
Jennifer Kimball to Perform at IWU's Blue Moon Coffeehouse April 4, Stew Salowitz
Filmmaker and Cancer Survivor to Visit Illinois Wesleyan, Laura Warren
Freeing the Spirit… Liberating the Mind… Celebrating the body… IWU Wellness Fair Slated, Laura Warren
Suzzy Roche and Greg Greenway to Perform at IWU's March 28 Blue Moon Coffeehouse, Stew Salowitz
IWU Students Land Internship Program with Top Accounting Firm, Laura Warren
Libertyville Native Lands Internship with Top Accounting Firm, Laura Warren
Mt. Carroll Native Lands Internship Program with Top Accounting Firm, Laura Warren
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to Speak at IWU, Stew Salowitz
IWU Volunteer Weekend 1998 Hundreds of Students Enlisted for Community Service, Sherry Wallace
IWU Student Captures National Insurance Scholarship, Laura Warren
IWU Honors 53 at Recognition Banquet, Stew Salowitz
IWU English Department Announces Winners of Poetry Contest, Teri Lahmon
IWU Initiates 17 into Sociology Honorary, Stew Salowitz
First-Time Author/Teacher to Visit IWU, Laura Warren
Research Conference IWU Students Vie For Awards at 9th Annual John Wesley Powell, Sherry Wallace
New Music Cafe Concert at Illinois Wesleyan University, Teri Lahmon
Wojtas Earns Marketing Award, Stew Salowitz
Famous Dead Sea Scroll Scholar to Speak At IWU, Sherry Wallace
Illinois Wesleyan Faculty Chamber Music Recital Slated for March 8, Brad Hannam
Dateline: Bloomington 4th Annual IWU Math Contest To Be Held March 7, 1998, Sherry Wallace
Iolanthe performed at Illinois Wesleyan March 5-6, Brad Hannam
Dateline: Bloomington Forensics Seminar at Illinois Wesleyan University, Sherry Wallace
Concert of Sacred and Secular Choral Art Music Performed by Collegiate Choir on March 24, Heather Hahn
Husband and Wife Musician Duo to Paly at Evelyn Chapel on March 3, Heather Hahn
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
"Culture Shock" IWU Hosts Annual International Carnival, Laura Warren
James Matthews Announced Acting Dean of Students, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Premier Paper IWU Student Newspaper Captures 18 State Awards, Laura Warren
IWU's Study Abroad Department to sponsor Study Abroad Fair on March 4, Heather Hahn
John Pescitelli Will Be Performing a Faculty Recital March 1, 1998, Teri Lahmon
The Dentist of Auschwitz: Holocaust Survivor to Speak at IWU, Laura Warren
Ellis Paul to Perform at IWU's Blue Moon Coffeehouse Feb. 28, Stew Salowitz
IWU Wind Ensemble to Perform, Feb. 27, Brad Hannam
Robert Riseling to Perform a Faculty Recital on Feb. 24, Teri Lahmon
Ani DiFranco to Appear at Illinois Wesleyan, Stew Salowitz
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Oscar Arias Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Former Costa Rican President to Discuss Global, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Laura Warren
Maria Steiner of Chatham Illinois Wesleyan Graduate Named Lincoln Laureate, Brad Hannam
Dateline: Bloomington Internationally Eminent Composer Arvo Part Featured at 1998 IWU, Sherry Wallace
Poshard to Make Stop at Illinois Wesleyan, Stew Salowitz
Playboy Magazine Columnist Asa Baber to Speak at Illinois Wesleyan University, Jennifer Shaughnessy
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Dean's List, Stew Salowitz
Karen Savoca to Perform at IWU's Blue Moon Coffeehouse Feb. 21, Stew Salowitz
Dateline: Bloomington IWU Graduate Ames Endows School of Art Building and Establishes, Sherry Wallace
Three IWU School of Music Faculty to Perform in Westbrook Auditorium on Feb. 12, Robb McCoy
Dateline: Bloomington Producer/Writer/Chef Ismail Merchant to Keynote Founders' Day, Sherry Wallace
Belated Justice Wife of Slain Civil Rights Leader to Speak After Thirty-Year Search for Killer, Laura Warren
Daughters of Violence A Nobel Peace Prize Winner and the Daughter of a Slain Egyptian, Laura Warren
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Media Advisory, Warren Kistner
Ambassador Program IWU Ambassador Program Speaker Answers Question, Sherry Wallace
Saffire: The Uppity Blues Women to Perform at IWU's Blue Moon Coffeehouse Feb. 7, Stew Salowitz
Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
University Chapel Hour Oxford University Fellow Rev. Dr. John E. Platt to Speak at IWU, Sherry Wallace
IWU's Niebrugge Named CCIW "Player of Week", Stew Salowitz
Vance Gilbert to Perform at IWU's Blue Moon Coffeehouse Jan. 31, Stew Salowitz
Media Advisory, Laura Warren
News Media Advisory, Sherry Wallace
Activist/Poet/Teacher/Preacher Rev. Dr. Hycel B. Taylor II To Speak at IWU Chapel Hour, Spencer Sauter
Activist/Poet/Teacher/Preacher Rev. Dr. Hycel B. Taylor II To Speak at IWU Chapel Hour, Spencer Sauter
"Super-Executive," IWU Computer Guru Entertains as Rock Musician, Laura Warren
Submissions from 1997
New Life in New House IWU Students Happy with Life in New Dorm, Laura Warren
U.S. Marshal to Address Martin Luther King Gospel Festival, Jan. 19, Bob Aaron
U.S. Marshal to Address Martin Luther King Gospel Festival, Jan. 19, Bob Aaron
Martin Luther King, Jr., National Holiday '98, Bob Aaron
Keynote Student IWU Biology Major Wins State Piano Competition, Laura Warren
Illinois Wesleyan Receives Ameritech Distance Collaboration Grant;, Bob Aaron
Solid Triangle IWU African-American Female Students Are Playing Santa Claus For Chicago, Bob Aaron
Eddie From Ohio Final Fall Perfomers for IWU Coffeehouse Series, Jennifer Shaughnessy
Blue Moon Coffeehouse Bitchin' Babe Lavin to Perform at IWU, Jennifer Shaughnessy
Media Advisory, Bob Aaron
News Media Advisory, Bob Aaron
Cases of Campus Clues IWU Library Hosts Mystery Exhibit, Laura Warren
6th Annual Great Illinois Book Fair Set for Nov. 23 at IWU, Bob Aaron
Mother who lost son to AIDS to visit IWU, Brandon Warga
Illinois Wesleyan Dance Program To Celebrate Universal Peace, Bob Aaron
Titan Law Oub Sponsors "A DUI on You", Derrick Eihausen
Decatur Native Travels to England Six IWU Students Attending Oxford University, Laura Warren
Seniors Maria Steiner and Andrew Sperry Chosen as King and Quen of 1997 IWU Homecoming, Stew Salowitz
"A Deadly Mystery" Public. Awareness Program Hikes Public Knowledge in Twin Cities Of the Warning Signs of Stroke, University Communications, Illinois Wesleyan University
FACT SHEET: Summary of Survey Results Public Awareness of the Warning Signs of Stroke, University Communications, Illinois Wesleyan University
Sons of the Never Wrong Returning to IWU, Jennifer Shaughnessy
Former NATO Commander in Bosnia to Visit IWU; Public Address on U.S.-Bosnia Policy Slated, Bob Aaron
IWU Homecoming Honors Alums, Features Campus Festival, Stew Salowitz
Ecologist, Theologian to Speak at IWU, Oct. 22, Bob Aaron
Anthropologist to Speak at IWU, Stew Salowitz
Noted Pain Researcher Deborah Moorehead Thorpe to Receive IWU Nursing Excellence Award, Brandon Warga
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: "The Archaeologist as Scientist", Bob Aaron
Musician Susan Werner to Make IWU Debut at Blue Moon Coffeehouse, Oct. 10, Jennifer Shaughnessy
"A Conversation with Former Sen. Paul Simon" Veteran Lawmaker Slated to Visit Illinois, Bob Aaron
Media Advisory, Bob Aaron