Any entry that does not have a pdf attached has been withheld from the repository at the author’s request. Bona fide researchers may be consult these works by visiting the University Archives in Tate Archives & Special Collections; contact or visit Tate Archives and Special Collections for details.
Submissions from 2023
Accurate Pulse Assessment by Radial Artery Palpation: A Pilot Study, Abigail Mathis
Submissions from 2022
Accurate Methods in Pulse Rate Assessment by Palpation: Pilot Study, Emilija Stankute
Submissions from 2020
Improving Timing of Capillary Blood Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Administration through Patient Education, Emily Lezcano
Content Validity: A Measure of Knowledge, Attitude, Behaviors, and Experiences of Muslims from the Nurse Perspective, Sydney Shanks
Submissions from 2019
Effects of Weighted Blankets on College Students’ Anxiety, Amy Clapp
Nursing Students' Knowledge of Alcohol - Interactive Medications, Andrew Coop
Submissions from 2018
A Prefeeding Oral Motor Therapy and its Effect on Feeding Efficiency in a Thai NICU, Victoria Drake
Health Literacy and Knowledge of Female Reproduction in Undergraduate Students, Ashley Sons
Submissions from 2017
Nurses’ Knowledge of Alcohol-Interactive Medications, Kyle Serafico
Submissions from 2015
Levels of Empathy in Undergraduate Healthcare Professions Students, Ashley M. Tegge
Submissions from 2014
Development of a Measure of Nurse Vigilance from the Patient ' s Perspective: A Content Validity Study, Jennifer Boll
School Nurse Job Satisfaction, Provision of Health Education, and Student Attendence, Molly G. Guenette
Evidence-Based Practice in Action: Ensuring Quality of Pediatric Assessment Frequency, Katelyn McDonald
Submissions from 2013
Examining Disparities in Care in an Uninsured, Diabetic Population, Emily R. Manninen
Assessing Undergraduate Nursing Students' Knowledge, Attitudes and Cultural Competence in Caring for LGBT Patients, Kristy L. Strong
Submissions from 2012
Trends of Emergency Department Use by Uninsured Individuals for Non-Urgent Health Care Conditions, Kelly A. Cantlin
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Educational Techniques, Katherine R. Racanelli
Submissions from 2010
Reliability Measurement of the Premature Infant Oral Motor Intervention, Clare A. Goebel
Submissions from 2008
Family Experience with Eating Disorders Scale: Exploring Reliability and Validity and Evaluating the Clinical Utility of its Use in Treatment, Kathleen M. Hoff
Submissions from 2006
A Survey of Foreign-Educated Nurses: Workforce Experience, Melissa Giegerich
Detecting Suicide Risk in Adolescents in an Emergency Department: An Implementation Study, Rebecca L. Hahn
Submissions from 2004
Nurses' Attitudes, Knowledge, and Use of Nonpharmalogical Pain Management Techniques and Therapies, Erin Bicek
Detecting Suicide Risk in Adolescents and Adults in an Emergency Department: a Pilot Study, Katie N. Davis
Submissions from 2003
On vs. Off: Coronary Bypass Surgery from a Patient's Perspective, Ann Steele
Submissions from 1999
The Effects of Personality Characteristics and Stress on Physical Illness, Carly A. Andersen
Submissions from 1996
Living With Unstable Coronary Artery Disease, Marcie M. Tempel
Submissions from 1995
The Scope and Practice of Rural Nurse Practitioners in Central Illinois, Lisa L. Lovegren
Submissions from 1994
Identification of Inner-City, African-American Caregivers' Informational Needs in Providing Care for Their Children, Stacie De Lair
Submissions from 1993
Factors Affecting Communication Between Emergency Department Nurses, Malynnda Wright
Submissions from 1992
Feelings and Concerns of New Fathers When Their Spouses Have Epidural Anesthesia During Childbirth, Susan M. Monger
Submissions from 1991
Student Attitudes Toward Their Role as Patient Advocate, Jacquelyn Heinlein Graven
Submissions from 1982
The Father's Role During Childbirth and the Neonatal Period in Three Cultures, Sarah J. Bucknell
Submissions from 1981
A Study of the Relationships Between the Admission Criteria and Success/Failure at the Illinois Wesleyan University School of Nursing, Patty Warters
Submissions from 1978
A Content Analysis of the Advertisements in Three Nursing Journals: What are They Saying About the Aged?, Ann Temborius
The Emotional Care of the Dying Patient and His Family, Denise Williams
Submissions from 1976
The Extent to which the Nursing Process is Acknowledged by I.W.U's Baccalaureate Nursing Graduates as Compared to Other Nursing Graduates Employed in this Community, Debra S. Schwieman
Sensory Perceptions of the Resusitation Recalled by Post Resuscitated Patients in the Post Resuscitation Period, Michael James Sutter
Submissions from 1975
Submissions from 1974
The Questionnaire: A Method of Evaluation for Illinois Wesleyan Brokaw Collegiate School of Nursing, Carol A. Leverich
Preparation of Childbirth as a Behavior Modifier in Relation to the Viewing of a Film of Natural Childbirth, Susan B. McCullough
Submissions from 1973
Pre-Operative Teaching: Does it Make a Difference?, Susan Jane Wykle
Submissions from 1970
Students . . . and Marijuana, Linda J. Behrins
Drugs: An Educational Challenge, Linda S. Culver
One Measure of Success: A Study of the Lamaze Technique of Preparation for Childbirth, Cynthia L. Ketchum
The nurse-midwife in the midwest: A study of factors that affect her utilization, Gwen Marie Ohlendorf
Submissions from 1969
An application of crisis theory: The suicide prevention center, Karen Drummet
A Study of the Degree of Health Awareness Among Members of the Class of 1972 at Illinois Wesleyan University, Ruth A. Mohr
Effects of Hospitalization Upon the Child, Susan Vanek
Aerospace Nursing: Implications for Baccalaureate Nursing Education, Diane Wentworth
Submissions from 1967
LSD: An Analysis of the Literature Concerning its Use in the Therapy of Alcoholism, Patti Lyddon
Submissions from 1966
A Historical Study of the Growth of Psychiatric Facilities in the State of Georgia from 1959-1965, Carla Bays
A Chance to Survive: Neonatal Narcoric Addiction, Brenda Morgan