Publication Date



The audio recording of this interview has been withheld at Dr. Stone's request. He and his wife Judy edited the transcript for clarity and it is available for download above and to the right.

Two photographs are available at the links below.


Jerry Stone taught in the Religion department from 1964-1992. He started as an Assistant Professor of Religion and within three years became a full Professor of Religion, and then became Director of Liberal Studies. A couple years before retiring, he returned to teaching.

Stone has also acted as pastor at a local church and in Cooksville during his time at Illinois Wesleyan University, and taught Sunday school classes at First Presbyterian Church.

Since retiring, Stone also taught a religions course for a semester at Heartland College.


personal narrative



2010-10-06_retirees_dinner.jpg (475 kB)
Jerry Stone at October 2010 retirees' dinner

Stone Wesleyana 1965.jpg (428 kB)
Jerry Stone at work ca. 1965

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