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Launch the recording with the embedded player below. A transcript of this interview is available above and to the right. Linked below are photographs Mr. Moravec donated of him in his Tommy Titan costume in 1981 and there is also a photo taken of him on the day of the interview.


In this interview, Mr. Moravec reflects on a dorm tradition that led him to his future wife Susan, changes to campus over the years, and his time as Tommy Titan.

Other topics include the campus jobs he had (Admission, Saga, and Dolan Hall), and the benefit he later found to the rigors of his English Composition class.

He briefly discusses his wife Susan’s activities on campus and the annual student-faculty basketball competition.

Mr. Moravec is a businessman in the Bloomington-Normal community and active in mentoring students through the Hart Career Center. In 2009, he and Susan took part in the "Met & Married" Ceremony at Evelyn Chapel which celebrated couples whose relationships began during their collegiate years at IWU.

Streaming Media




personal narrative


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