The Park Place Economist
The Park Place Economist is one of just a handful of undergraduate journals of economics in the world. The journal publishes scholarly research articles in economics by Illinois Wesleyan University undergraduates. Articles range from basic topical explorations to focused senior research.
Current Issue: Volume 29, Issue 1 (2022)
Prefatory Notes
Cover Design
Rayaan Kapoor
Editorial Board
Rayaan Kapoor
News and Commentary
Reflecting on the Year Past with Dr Nguyen
Rayaan Kapoor
An Interview with Professor Jennifer Rushlow
Rayaan Kapoor
Urban and Rural Wage Disparities in Illinois
Josh S. Thum
The Effect of Race/Ethnicity, Health Status and Socioeconomic Variables on Poverty in the U.S.
Lesley Ortega
Can Money Buy You Mental Health? The Effects of Economic and Non-Economic Factors on Mental Health
Daniel J. Maisch
History and Effectiveness of Sponsorships in Esports
Michael D. Webb

- Editor in Chief
- Rayaan Kapoor
- Article Editors
- Daniel Maisch
- Lesley Ortega
- Jared Schneider
- Katie Long
- Josh Thum
- Michael Webb
- Brett Sprengel
- Faculty Advisor
- Professor Michael Seeborg