"Peopletalk" Voice and Music Edits

Streaming Media

Publication Date



Duration: 00:35:40

"Peopletalk" was a promotional series used for outreach that intersperses interviews with music from IWU. The content was originally released in 1978 with different music in the background but the production quality on that version is uneven and so is not being made available online. Contact the archives for access to the preservation copy.

This, the 1980 version, has longer segments of music and may have been used as a Master copy to create the more integrated music/voice version that was released in 1981 which has at least one additional speaker. Several of the speakers' clips included here are from longer interviews that were recorded in 1977 and 1978; those recordings are available under the individuals' names in this collection.

Digitized from a 10 1/4" reel-to-reel tape in spring 2018. Photographs of the original media are linked below.


Students speak about why they came to IWU and what they like about it. Disciplines mentioned include Insurance, Music, Nursing and pre-Med; student athletes also relate their experience. Faculty and staff also speak and President Robert Eckley is one of the voices. This is the time when the "Micro University" concept was in use.

The speakers are (may not be in this order): Leah Merrifield, senior insurance major, Mary Lehman, senior nursing major; Craig Hill, senior religion major; Jack Sikma, alumnus, pro basketball player; Ann and David Skilrud (medical students from SIU School of Medicine); Marsha Guenzler, senior biology major; Kate Romani, Career Education Center consultant; Sammye Greer, English faculty; Bob Hippensteele, Biology faculty; David Nott, Music faculty.


Higher Education
