Peopletalk: Jerry Pope

Streaming Media

Publication Date



Date not specified but he is on the Peopletalk promotional reel produced in 1978. This recording was digitized by a professional conservator in 2009 from a one-sided 7" reel-to-reel tape that was recorded at 3 3/4 ips.


Pope, Class of 1980, was a Sophomore Political Science major at the time of this interview. He speaks of the ease of developing friendships on campus and fundraisers involving pie-throwing contests and dance marathons sponsored by Student Senate for different charitable causes. He also mentions intramural athletics competitions between student groups and pick-up games with faculty that helped develop connections to ease some anxiety about interacting with them in the classroom. His final comment is about changing majors and the benefits of being able to explore different disciplines through the General Education program.


Higher Education
