Res Publica - Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 10, Issue 1 (2005)
"I therefore call any Republic a State ruled by laws under whatever kind of administration there might be, because only then does the public interest govern, and is res publica a reality."
Rousseau, Of the Social Contract
Prefatory Notes
A Note From the Department Chair
Frank Boyd
Editors' Introduction
Ryan Foster '05
Dissonant Politics in Mubarak’s Egypt
Dan Glade '05
Why Do South and Southeast Asians Vote for Female Heads of State?
Lavanga Wijekoon '04
U.S.Drug Control Policy: Clinging to an Outdated Perspective
Ryan A. Kemper '05
Equal Worth and the Duty to Adopt
Katharine Egan '04
U.S. vs. Stewart: Two Opinions
Allison Bannerman '07 and Ryan A. Kemper '05

- Editors-in-Chief
- Mollie Whitehead & Tracy Quinlan
- Associate Editors
- Sarah Wells, Jordan Ault, & Lauren Jensen
- Faculty Advisor
- Kathleen Montgomery