Res Publica - Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2000)
"I therefore call any Republic a State ruled by laws under whatever kind of administration there might be, because only then does the public interest govern, and is res publica a reality."
Rousseau, Of the Social Contract
Prefatory Notes
A Note from the Department Chair
Greg M. Shaw
Kathryn Vojack '00 and Todd Zoellick '00
The Debate Regarding the Freedman's Bureau: Is Equality of Process Sufficient for Equality of Results?
Terrence Chapman '01
Ballots del Barrio: An Investigation of Latino Participation
John Hennessy '00
National Political Influence and the Catholic Church
Jennifer Nash '00
Deliverance: A Study of Medicaid and Managed Care
Amy Ragland '00
The European Union: Cross-National Variation in Public Support, 1993
Jarrett Ruffino '00
Benefits by Gender: Determinants of Welfare Accessibility for Migrant Women in Western Euope
Kathryn Vojack '00

- Editors-in-Chief
- Kathryn Vojack & Todd Zoellick