Women's Studies 10th Anniversary

Streaming Media

Publication Date



This event was originally on VHS tape and was digitized in 2018; the videographer stops and starts the recording twice at about the 5 minute mark.

The video played within this video is available as a separate file at https://collections.carli.illinois.edu/digital/collection/iwu_histph/id/4765/rec/1


This event marks the first decade of the IWU Women's Studies program. It took place on May 24, 2004. Founders Barbara Bowman, Carole Myscofski, April Schultz and Alison Sainsbury are honored at the beginning of the event.

Vicki Magee hosts the event and awards plaques to the founders; Chaplain Dennie Groh offers opening remarks and Interim President Janet McNew speaks next. Brandon Fox plays the piano and sings the John Lennon song "Imagine."

A "photo story" video, projected on the Chapel's wall plays next; it contains photos of the people involved in the program and significant events in its development.

Claire DeCourcey, 2005 Music Theatre, and Erin Kraft(sp?), Music and German, perform Aretha Franklin's "Natural Woman."

Bryonha Marie Parham reads an excerpt from Toni Morrison's Nobel Prize for Literature speech.

Jane Wallace and several other theatre students perform a scene from the lab theatre production of "A New Brain."

Alison Sainsbury reads from her original poem on the future of women's studies "University Catalog: A Possibility."

Caitlin Russell reads from Sandra Steingraber's poem, "How Are You, Are You Fine?"

A male student who does not state his name recalls a class encounter and an excerpt from an unnamed work about identifying as a feminist. A female student reads a Gloria Steinem definition of a feminist.

Brandon Fox closes the event by leading several performers in John Mayer's "Daughters."


Higher Education | Women's Studies
