Paul Simon (video only)

Streaming Media

Publication Date



Transferred from SVHS Spring 2018.


This event marks the third time that Senator Paul Simon (honorary Doctor of Laws, 1989) spoke at IWU: once when he was Lieutenant Governor of Illinois (June 8, 1969) and as Senator (May 13, 1989). At the start of this event Professor of Political Science Tari Renner and senior political science major Elizabeth Eberspacher make Simon and honorary member of Pi Sigma Alpha, the political science honorary society.

From the October 10, 1997 ( article about this event:
"Simon served in the U.S. Senate for 12 years and in the U.S. House of Representatives for 10 years before that. Currently he is the director of the Public Policy Institute and teaches legislative process and non-fiction writing classes at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale."


Higher Education
