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Award Year


Title of Position

Director of the Hart Career Center


Warren Kistner a true advocate for students and compassionate director of the Hart Career Center, has received the 2022 Max L. Starkey Service Award at Illinois Wesleyan University. For 27 years, Kistner ’83 has provided guidance and encouragement for IWU Titans as they explore internships, career opportunities and pathways to graduate school.

And now, this year’s clues…

  • This year's Starkey Award winner is described as someone who has given their heart and soul to IWU; a friendly and positive presence who always tries to show appreciation to all staff and faculty.
  • They regularly attend events hosted by other departments on campus to show their support.
  • This year's winner is described as a servant leader, who puts the needs of others before themself. As a leader, they set clear standards and expectations of work, while giving staff flexibility and grace.
  • They are described as "a rock and mentor" for many students, whose "passion for students, love for IWU, and care for others is a steadying force."
  • Students know that they will leave this person's office more confident, empowered, and less stressed, a nominator wrote.
  • And when students become alumni, many indicate how this person has changed their life. When an alum achieves success, this year's winner may be among the first people they email to share the good news.
  • A nominator wrote that you will never witness this person seeking out recognition or credit. Yet they direct the office whose measurable outcomes put Illinois Wesleyan #1 in Illinois and #7 in the nation among colleges and universities.
  • Although some on campus may also know him for annually hawking delicious pork chop sandwiches … with 27 years of service to his alma mater, his impact has touched the campus community in lasting ways.

Please join me in congratulating our 2022 Max Starkey Award winner, Warren Kistner.
