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Coyner and his wife Donna have been loyal supporters of IWU for several years in many ways. When the Phi Mu Alpha fraternity had a fire which heavily damaged their house, Coyner stepped up in a significant way to help with the restoration and to make sure the men had a safe and beautiful house to live in. As a music major, Coyner has always had a love for the music department. He has provided funding for much needed renovations in Presser Hall, which have beautified the building and have been a huge encouragement to the faculty, staff, students and prospective students. Following graduation from IWU, Coyner served in the Navy for 12 years. During this time, he was an Aircraft Commander of a C-130 and a flight instructor. He also taught acrobatics and advanced instrument training. In 1968 Coyner and Donna founded Better Business Equipment in Omaha and built it into one of the most respected businesses in Omaha winning several awards for service and quality. Coyner and Donna are parents to four children of their own children and raised a foster daughter. For fun Coyner enjoys gardening (mostly tomatoes) and playing the horses…his one vice. Although Coyner and Donna live in Omaha, NE, they make it back to IWU every fall for Homecoming to see friends and walk the campus. Their love and their loyalty to IWU is unquestioned.
