Publication Date

Summer 2008


Several individual files comprise the work of this task force. The author submitted them for permanent retention to the archives in April 2015. A screen shot of the website that originally contained these reports is linked below and shows how the files were presented to campus during the time of the task force.


The file available for download above and to the right contains all the documents listed in Section IV: The General Education Final Report.

[Note: Pages 107-109 of the main report contained blank but numbered pages on receipt.]

Additional Task Force work listed on the website is available with the following titles in the links below:
Sections I through III: Introduction, Summary and Recommendations
Section V: Current Curricular Issues
Section VI: Links to Documents and Data, parts b, c and d.
[Note: VI.a. may be contained within the main report's section IV, which describes student feedback as listed in the website IV.c.]


Higher Education
