Tariq Khan

Publication Date



An abstract of this interview is available below. A time-annotated index or transcription will be available for download above and to the right as soon as it becomes available. An essay summarizing themes that emerged from interviews conducted about Myers in 2016 is available: Portrait of a Collector: Reflections on an Influential Bibliophile.

This interview subject is affiliated with IWU and/or President Myers in the following ways: Class of 1993.


Khan interviewed Myers for an Argus article and recalls Myers questions to him about his interests and the encouragement he received for choosing to pursue a double major. Khan recalls the influence Myers had on students interacting with different cultures on campus and abroad. Myers believed the purpose of the liberal arts was to give students an advantage in any field they chose. Khan relates a story of Myers' interest in Khan's upbringing in the U.S. and the differences he'd observed between Pakistani and American cultures and how he encouraged Khan to share his experiences with Myers' sons, whom Khan sometimes babysat for.

Streaming Media




personal characteristics, liberal arts, international emphasis, diversity, books, paintings, multi-talented, student support, Portrait of a Collector, Alumni


United States History

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