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An abstract of this interview is available below. A time-annotated index and a transcription is available for download and is linked above and to the right. An essay summarizing themes that emerged from interviews conducted about Myers in 2016 is available: Portrait of a Collector: Reflections on an Influential Bibliophile.

This interview subject is affiliated with IWU and/or President Myers in the following ways: Grounds Crew, 1984-2011.


Killian started on Physical Plant's Grounds Crew five years before Myers and so offers recollections of changes in campus landscaping priorities and operations through four presidencies. He tells a story about Myers showing him a book of English garden plants and how he was unable to explain to Myers that they were not suited to Central Illinois environmental conditions. Killian viewed his work as a craftsman does--more satisfied with ensuring good structures in the landscape on the campus as a whole. He offers views on changes in campus culture, shifting from a community atmosphere before the Myers' era, to a hierarchical or class-based emphasis. His final anecdote describes changes made to the plantings for The Ames Library's landscape plan at his and Ken Detloff's insistence.

Streaming Media




books, personal characteristics, gardens, plants, management, leadership, Portrait of a Collector, Staff


United States History