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An abstract of this interview is available below. A time-annotated index and transcript are linked above and to the right. An essay summarizing themes that emerged from interviews conducted about Myers in 2016 is available: Portrait of a Collector: Reflections on an Influential Bibliophile.

This interview subject is affiliated with IWU and/or President Myers in the following ways: Professor of History, 1988-present.


Weis recalls Myers wanting IWU's niche to be the multi-talented and sold everyone on the idea that IWU was already great and would be better. Prior to Myers there was a "micro university" focus and he supported that. Provost McNew was focused on establishing a liberal arts ideal; Myers didn't oppose that idea but also wanted to keep Nursing. He wanted to expand and grow the University and the faculty supported him. Myers inculcated a love of collecting among people and speculates that collecting helps you think about all the things surrounding the object--time period, materials--that it helps "broaden perspective on how the world operates." Weis recalls the last conversation he had with Myers, the auction, and that had Myers lived, he may have donated his whole collection at a later time. Library micro-managing took place because of Myers' love of books and his desire to manipulate reports to others (US News & World Reports ranking). Weis concluded Myers was a true Renaissance man who loved life, and he is not sure what he would have done next in his presidency.

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trains; musical instruments (prior to 20th C); books, stamps, coins, personal characteristics, collecting purpose, collecting techniques, music scores, multi-talented, end-of-life, Pembroke windows, Renaissance Man, libraries, auction, Portrait of a Collector, Faculty


United States History