Jim White

Publication Date



An abstract of this interview is available below. A time-annotated index or transcription will be available for download above and to the right as soon as it becomes available. An essay summarizing themes that emerged from interviews conducted about Myers in 2016 is available: Portrait of a Collector: Reflections on an Influential Bibliophile.

This interview subject is affiliated with IWU and/or President Myers in the following ways: Asahel Gridley’s Antiques, proprietor.


White sold furnishings and other things to the Myers who visited his antiques store frequently. White believes the Myers collected in order to furnish their home and that they had the perfect Liberal Arts house: everything had a story and was meant to arouse curiosity. They were collecting "to create an environment." They were not concerned if an item had imperfections but would do some restoration work; White shares an example of Myers' interest in preserving the artifacts he acquired and he relates instances of seeing artwork Myers created: a watercolor and a wood carving. White invited Myers to speak about antique collecting to others in the classes White hosted. He does not believe that asking a question about why someone collects things is possible to answer and he also doesn't believe that his own collecting interests make it possible to say anything about him.

Streaming Media




collector, furniture, silver, china, music, musical instruments, collecting techniques, motivation, personal characteristics, Portrait of a Collector


United States History

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