
The Park Place Economist

Volume 12, Issue 1 (2004)

Prefatory Notes


Alumni Notes
Amanda Thorson '05


Letter from the Editor
Alexis Manning '04

News and Commentary


The Class of 2004
Nick Holland '06



Alexis Manning
Technical Editor
Robbie Gallagher
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Ana Maria Romero
Assistant Technical Editor
Meg Howe
Cover Artist
BeiBei Que
Articles Editors
Sarah Bland
George Coontz
Robbie Gallagher
Mahi Garg
Alexis Manning
Ana Maria Romero
News Editors
Sarah Bland
George Coontz
Mahi Garg
Nick Holland
Todd Kumler
Proofreading Editors
Sarah Bland
George Coontz
Robbie Gallagher
Mahi Garg
John Haugen
Nick Holland
Todd Kumler
Alexis Manning
Ana Maria Romero
Amanda Thorson
Alumni Editors
John Haugen
Amanda Thorson
Advisory Board
Faculty Advisor
Robert Leekley, Associate Professor of Economics
President of the IWU Economics Society
Ana Maria Romero