The Park Place Economist
Volume 13, Issue 1 (2005)
Prefatory Notes
Letter from the Editor
Ana Maria Romero A. '05
Reflections on the Economics Program
Michael C. Seeborg
News and Commentary
Interview with Nimish Adhia
Todd Kumler '07
The Class of 2005
James R. Glenn '05
The Undergraduate Economic Review
Adrien Gatesman '05
Breaking out of the Bubble
Alexis Manning '04
Six Years to Tenure
Nick Holland '06
Predicting Olympic Medal Counts: the Effects of Economic Development on Olympic Performance
Xun Bian '05
The Effect of College Major on Wages
Amanda Thornson '05
Comparitive Study: Factors that Affect Foreign Currency Reserves in China and India
Ana Maria Romero '05
Why are Foreign Manufactured Cars Gaining Market Share in the US Market?
Adrien A. Gatesman '05
The Role of Risk in Determining Liberalizing Trade
Sean Moran '05
- Editor-in-Chief
- Ana Maria Romero
- Technical Editor
- Adam M. Gray
- Assistant Editor-in-Chief
- John Haugen
- Cover Artist
- Sara Novak
- Article Editors
- John Haugen
- Elizabeth Planas
- Ana María Romero
- Amanda Thorson
- News Editors
- James R. Glenn
- Jennifer Dawsonv
- Adrien Gatesman
- Nick Holland
- Todd Kumler
- Alexis Manning
- Proofreading Editors
- Diego Baez
- Jennifer Dawson
- Adrien Gatesman
- James R. Glenn
- John Haugen
- Nick Holland
- Adrienne Ingrum
- Brian Jbara
- Hannah Martin
- Sean Moran
- Scott Swisher
- Adam Turk
- Amanda Thorson
- Faculty Advisor
- Dr. Robert M. Leekley