The Park Place Economist
Volume 17, Issue 1 (2009)
Prefatory Notes
Letter from the Editor
Dan Wexler
News and Commentary
Alumni Notes
Jessica Kong
The Class of 2009
Lindsey Haines
IWU Economics Department Welcomes Amit Ghosh
Anna Konradi
The Supplemental Security Income Program: Reach and Research
Katie Stankiewicz
Explaining the Graduation Gap - Athletes vs. Non-Athletes: A Study of the Big Ten and Missouri Valley Conferences
Mallory Heydorn
Buying Votes: Examining Tufte’s Political Business Cycle under an Adaptive Expectations Framework
Anna Konradi
Determining Future Success of College Students
Paul Oehrlein
Adopted Children’s Outcomes as Young Adults in Regards to Educational Attainment and Income
Nicole Spear
Length of Contracts and the Effect on the Performance of MLB Players
Katie Stankiewicz