About This Journal | Undergraduate Economic Review | Economics Department | Illinois Wesleyan University

Undergraduate Economic Review

About This Journal

Mission Statement

The UER is an online journal that promotes high quality original undergraduate economic research by publishing student authored research from around the world. Student editors review submissions and post accepted articles quickly without the delays inherent in print publications. Student authors retain copyright of their articles. While the the Department of Economics at Illinois Wesleyan University publishes the UER, faculty advisors and student associate editors from several universities are crucial to its success.

Commitment to Open Access Publishing

The UER has a strong commitment to open access publishing, specifically "without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself." (Budapest Open Access Initiative) Student authors retain full copyright, giving IWU a non-exclusive license to distribute. Our staff strongly believes that a world of open-access knowledge provides the utmost social benefit, for it promotes the spirit of research and inquiry. Therefore, we implore all peer publications, including those beyond the Economics discipline, to commit to a future ripe with these qualities.

Our Affiliation with IWU

This journal was created by students of Illinois Wesleyan University's Economics Department. Illinois Wesleyan University is an independent, co-educational, undergraduate university founded in 1850.


The articles submitted and published are the original research of undergraduate students from many different universities. Illinois Wesleyan University, its Economics Department, and the Editors of the UER assume no responsibility for the views expressed by the various authors.