Journal FAQ | Undergraduate Economic Review | Economics Department | Illinois Wesleyan University

Undergraduate Economic Review

Journal FAQ

If you don't see your question answered below, contact the editors our editor-in-chief and faculty advisors.

Frequently Asked Questions


Who can submit an article for review?

Any undergraduate student who has engaged in in-depth research in the field of Economics may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Undergraduate Economic Review. If a manuscript is submitted for publication, the student must request a letter from a faculty member at his or her institution, confirming that the manuscript was completed as part of the student's undergraduate work.

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What types of articles are published in the UER?

The UER publishes articles by undergraduate researchers that have original ideas and economic content. Most articles have some empirical content. To be published, the papers should be well documented with citations to the literature where appropriate. Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in an archival journal or book (print or electronic). Please note: "publication" in a working-paper series does not constitute prior publication. If you have concerns about the submission terms for Undergraduate Economic Review, please contact the editors.

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Can I publish my article in the UER and another journal at the same time?

By submitting material to the Undergraduate Economic Review, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at or published in another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at Undergraduate Economic Review. If you have concerns about the submission terms for Undergraduate Economic Review please contact the editors.

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Is there a deadline for submitting my article?

There is no submission deadline because accepted articles are posted to the journal website when the article is accepted for publication and the appropriate forms are filled out online. Please note that the journal does not review articles during May Term or the summer break (May-August). Articles can still be submitted, but will not be reviewed until the Fall semester.

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What criteria are used in determining whether my article will be accepted for publication?

The review criteria for empirical articles are online. Non-empirical articles will be reviewed with more general criteria.

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In general, how long will it take to get (i) editor's initial feedback on the manuscript; and (ii) further feedback from reviewers?

In general, the UER makes effort to have a decision for the author within 30 days. However, articles received from May-August are not reviewed until September.

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Does the journal have specific formatting requirements?

There are no specific formatting requirements for papers that are submitted to be reviewed for possible publication. However, we expect initial submissions to use consistent formatting and documentation styles (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago style etc). If the paper is accepted, the author(s) need to meet a few additional formatting requirements.

Is there a page limit for articles?

There is no page limit. However, journal articles are often in the range of 15 to 30 pages in length when double-spaced (without tables and graphs) and 11-point font. While brevity is a virtue, it is also important that arguments be well-developed.

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What do I need to do after my article is accepted for publication?

There are two easy steps that need to be completed: First, we require you to download, fill out, sign and upload the Non-Exclusive License Agreement for Authors, which is located online. Please note that you, as the author, retain all copyright to the article. Second, we require an email from a professor asserting that your paper is the result of original research completed during your undergraduate education.

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What are your policies concerning co-authorship between an undergraduate student and a faculty member?

Authors are encouraged to receive guidance and advice from faculty mentors, the paper must be authored by undergraduate students. Faculty members should not be listed as authors. However, authors are encouraged to recognize the contribution of their faculty mentors in the abstract to the paper. For example, you might say “I would like to thank Professor xxx for valuable guidance on this paper.”

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Do you accept papers from students who have already graduated from college?

Articles should be authored by undergraduate students. However, students can submit their articles after they graduate if most of the work on the article occurred when the author was an undergraduate student.

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What are your most common issues with manuscripts from international students, and what are your suggestions for international students?

With international students from non-English speaking countries, the most common issues are systemic problems with the English language. We encourage such authors to have their work reviewed by native or fluent English speakers.

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What is the acceptance rate for the UER?

Although acceptance rates vary from year to year, they are generally in the range of 40-45%. From 2010 to 2014, 41.8% of the articles reviewed were accepted.

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What rights do I retain over my work as an author when I publish with the UER?

As further described in our Non-Exclusive License Agreement, authors retain all copyright to their articles published in the UER. Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, authors must sign a Non-Exclusive License Agreement that gives Illinois Wesleyan University permission to distribute their work in the UER.

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How do I contact the Editor & Advisors?

Please contact the editors and faculty advisors with any questions or concerns you may have regarding our publication or policies.

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